Monday, July 21, 2014

God's Glorious Animals and Why Michael Loved Them So Much 08/02 by Rev Dr Catherine M Gross | Culture Podcasts

God's Glorious Animals and Why Michael Loved Them So Much 08/02 by Rev Dr  Catherine M Gross | Culture Podcasts

August 2 at 1:00 pm CST    Call in to speak with the host  (347) 989-8104

“...I enjoy nature too much.... I know the tree feels it when the wind blows through it. It probably goes, “Ohhhh, this is wonderful.” And that´s how I feel when I´m singing some songs. It´s wonderful.”
"Plus, I’m crazy for birds and animals and puppies. And I love exotic things. I’ve had llamas, peacocks, a rhea, which is the second largest bird in the world, a macaw, which is the largest parrot from South America, pheasants, racoons, chickens….everything. Now, I’m gonna get a faun. And a flamingo.... I want a chimpanzee – they’re so sweet. Oh, I have such a good time with the animals. I have a wonderful relationship with animals, they really understand me.... I’d like to get into the whole veterinarian thing and learn the behaviour of animals. Dogs may see in black and white. Dogs might even see the wind. And what about the king cobra – what makes him come up when they play that pipe?"
Michael Jackson, Melody Maker music newspaper, 1980